The Vaultcraft resource pack throws you into a shady and dark post-apocalyptic wasteland. True gamers will find that the realistic visuals and RPG elements of this...
1.7.6 Resource Packs
16x Garnet 1.7.6
Improve the level of detail and coloring of Vanilla Minecraft with the Garnet resource pack. This pack is specially designed to optimize coloring and throw in extra...
16x Magma 1.7.6
The Magma resource pack is designed for the Minecraft creative. For those that enjoy building grand structures to share with the world. Whether designing amazing...
16x C-tetra 1.7.6
If you are in the mood for a complete coloring and world overhaul for Minecraft, then the bright and exciting C-tetra resource pack is a great option for you. This...
32x Darklands Medieval 1.7.6
The Darklands Medieval resource pack ranks highly in the medieval-themed resource packs for Minecraft. There are many that fall under this category due to the...
32x Xaiwaker 1.7.6
The Xiawaker resource pack is one of the most popular cartoonish resource packs for Minecraft. This is an outstandingly simple, yet imaginative resource pack...
64x Dragon Dance 1.7.6
The Dragon Dance resource pack is the ideal fantasy-themed Minecraft playthrough. This pack offers a major graphic and gameplay upgrade in order to provide you with...
16x ⥂ 32x Coterie Craft 1.7.6
Coterie Craft might just be one of the most recognized names in the resource world of Minecraft. This is a famous pack that is known for its outstanding visual...
64x Soartex Fanver 1.7.6
The Soartex Fanver resource pack is the second resource pack from the favored Soartex resource pack team. Take many of the favorite parts from the Soartex resource...
128x Woocraft 1.7.6
For those gamers that are interested with the stylization and vibes of feudal Japan, ninjas, samurai, and more, then the WooCraft resource pack is one of the best...
64x LIIE’s 1.7.6
LIIE's resource pack goes above and beyond to give gamers a completely new Minecraft experience. This complete update to the game is surprisingly simple though....
16x Luky's RPG 1.7.6
There are a wide variety of RPG resource packs available for Minecraft, many fall short in offering new visual experiences that really bring that famous RPG feeling...
64x ⥂ 512x KoP Photo Realism 1.7.6
In a sea of realistic resource packs, there is one feature that can distinguish high quality from a simple graphical upgrade. The KoP Photo Realism resource pack...
32x ⥂ 512x R3D.Craft 1.7.6
The R3D.Craft resource pack is the prime example of a resource pack designed for players by a dedicated team of developers. This is not only one of the leading...